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We are specialized in research and development and promotion of microcapsule suspension technology application technology co, LTD, focus on microcapsule suspension application technology research, product development, production technology consulting, product sales.

For many years engaged in professional r&d team millirod suspending agent  in  pesticide  application research in the field of chemical industry, through the change of the dosage form, make the same product in be used actually meet expected requirements, such as strengthening effect, lower toxicity, increasing the safety, efficacy, reduce pesticide use and times, intelligent control  release, increase the safety of the environment protection, etc, is the most accord with national  industrial policy is a popular technology. Microcapsule dosage forms have achieved  unprecedented breakthroughs in many types of agricultural and chemical products, including  pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, fungicides, seed treatment agents, etc. The product fields  cover agriculture, forestry, sanitation, fertilizer, daily chemical and so on. At present, two complete  production lines of microcapsule suspension have been built, and the annual production capacity  Is planned to reach more than 5,000 tons.

The company and a number of well-known domestic enterprises to carry out technical cooperation, from product design, product development, technical support, production  processing, market technology maintenance and so on. Looking forward to like-minded friends for  the application of microcapsule suspension technology for a wide range of exchanges, cooperation, exploration.

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